What I Wish I Would Have Said To My Atheist College Professor

Dear Professor,

One day when I was in your class, you started teaching about Darwinian evolution, the Big Bang, and the universe as if you had witnessed all of these events with your own eyes. Your devotion to “your faith” could have put many religious people’s faith to shame. When you were in the middle of one of your atheistic discourses, I slowly raised my hand and questioned a few of your statements and positions. You laughed at me in front of 140 other students and told me that “every scientist believes what I had just said.” The name of your class was called “Life in the Cosmos”. Go figure!


It seems like you and so many of your colleagues don’t like God and don’t like America. I don’t know if it’s just because you’re trying to be a rebel or if you’ve just studied so much that you can’t stand the fact that there might be an intelligent being out there that knows more than you. It won’t mean anything to you, but in the Bible, Paul tells Timothy that there would be some people just like you that would be “ever learning, and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.” Hey! That sounds like you!

So here’s the deal. We live in a country that was founded by Christians. There is no way around that. You can try and downplay God’s role in the establishment of this nation all you want, but if you study hard enough…there is no way to remove the miraculous divine interventions that took place in the early days of her history. It’s woven into the laws, the architecture, and the hearts of the American people. No one, ever… can take that away from this great nation. Or can you?

It’s funny, ironic…no…it’s sad, horribly sad that you are living so well…and so free on the backs of those patriots that gave their lives in the name of God and country. Now…all you do is sit in your class and fight against the very things that enabled you to be who you are today. You’re devoting your life to molding and shaping the minds of the rising generation and simultaneously attempting to suppress and extinguish the only thing that is keeping this nation together.

If you don’t want to believe in God…that’s fine. That same God gave you your agency to not worship Him. If fact…that’s what He’s all about. Not forcing anyone to do anything that they don’t want to do. But now look at what we have. A bunch of loud “educated” influential voices like yourself trying to turn a God-fearing nation into a God-less nation.

You’re not trying to get rid of religion. You’re trying to make atheism the state religion.

You say that religion is nothing more than brainwashing…but I say it’s you that is doing the brainwashing. The worst part of it all is that you have a captive audience because we’ve got to pass your class in order to graduate college. It’s sad that so many of these kids around me see the PhD behind your name and think you know what you’re “all-knowing”…even god-like. You evangelize “your beliefs” to curious, ignorant, and unsuspecting students each and every quarter and then they grow up to be just like you until we have a nation of natural selecting animals.

[adinserter block=1]

Do you remember the stuff you taught about the Big Bang that “every scientist believes” . Well… just today, we found out that physicists are backing away from the “biggest discovery of the century” regarding the big bang.

Back in March, a group of physicists announced the first direct evidence of the Big Bang in a splashy press conference followed by Nobel prize forecasts and champagne. But scientists have since questioned the discovery, and a new paper suggests the signal detected was not evidence of the Big Bang but instead largely, if not entirely, from interstellar dust. Oops.

It’s kind of like that with everything you teach isn’t it? You teach something as if there is no doubt that it happened and then make fun of anyone that doesn’t believe it. Then in a couple years you quietly back away from the theory and move on to the newest scientific trend.

Right now as we speak…there are thousands of university professors pushing their religion on the up and coming generation but any talk of creationism or intelligent design was laughable…right? Almost any time someone would raise their hand to question any of you or your colleagues “scientific conclusions”, you’d fly into a sarcastic rant. Why is it that you can have your “religion” and talk about it openly but I can’t consider the possibility of an intelligent designer?

That was ten years ago. I can’t imagine what it’s like today.

I honestly wonder if you and your fellow institutional leaders even consider the origin of your university. Every university…including yours, had its rise from within the walls of a religious institution. Ancient temples were built as a place of highertemple learning…and the modern university is the result. Why do you think you wear those funny looking robes during commencement and graduation? The temple was anciently known as a place where one went to gain greater insight into the various branches of science and education…but the trunk of that tree was always theology. Not biology…but theology. You’ve forgotten that. Heck…maybe you didn’t even know that. The branches of scientific study grew out of a desire of humans to better understand our Creator. But now we have universities with lots of branches and no trunk. You have made yourselves into gods! Gods of academia and of science, making up the curriculum as you go.

If you want to teach the youth of our nation about science, then you need to teach them about God first. True science is the order that God implemented out of chaos. The natural state of matter is chaos. Whether it’s on the streets of New York or in the furthest corner of the universe. Without God…there will be eventual chaos. Without laws and accountability, all matter…including us, will fall into a degenerative state.

[Tweet “”The universe did not organize itself now did it.””]

I know you don’t believe in the devil, but if there was a devil…I can’t think of a more important place for him to destroy other than the home. But maybe this is where he starts. Right here in college before you have a home to infiltrate. That saves him a bunch of work! This place…this “Uni-Versity”. A place where young inquiring minds were supposed to gather “all truth” found in the universe and bring it together “as one”.

The devil you don’t believe in has taken the temple out of the university. He has taken God out of the university and placed you at the helm with the commission to destroy even the faintest concept or idea of an intelligent and loving creator. The ancient “Uni-versities” or temples were where people went to learn about universal truth or “veritas” with God at the center of all those “ologies” but now students will go to college and have God cleansed from their minds.

I know you think you’re just teaching people how to think more. How to be realistic. But you’re teaching us to think less and accept theories that you know full well will change within the next two years anyway. You’re teaching us to go against all of the inherent built-in logic that tells us that the Swiss watch we found on the beach did not assemble itself, and then wind itself up. You’re not teaching us to keep an open mind but to be closed to anything that falls outside of the accepted academia of the day.

[adinserter block=2]

The last thing I want to ask you is this: Why do you even care if I believe in God? Does it hurt you? Does it hurt society? Is it bad to “keep the commandments” and “treat others good” as are the basic tenets of almost every religion in the world? Why persecute someone for having a belief that makes them happy or that helps them treat others better? What’s it to you?

But seriously. Does religion even hurt science? Is it so far fetched to believe that an intelligent designer might be a scientist Himself and that you might have more in common with Him than you think? Geee wizz…you are open to almost any new discovery but you are closed to and certain that no one will ever discover a “Life in the Cosmos” that is more intelligent than yourself!

Now that I’ve gotten that off my mind…I hope we can be friends! I really did enjoy some of the experiments we did as a class! They pointed my mind to God…

Your friend,


P.S. You should change the name of your class. It betrays your beliefs! 🙂

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38 thoughts on “What I Wish I Would Have Said To My Atheist College Professor

  1. Matt

    Thanks Greg for your insights. The law of thermodynamics known as
    “entropy” is evidence enough of a creator or organizer. If things natural move to a state of
    disorder, then how could they be so amazingly organized? Alma said it a long time ago: “even the
    earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea,
    and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there
    is a Supreme Creator.” To imagine yourself out of this reality is certainly a form of self-delusion.

      • Bad Girl Bex

        No. They’re not. But then you’d need to have an understanding of ‘closed system’ dynamics to realise that. A closed system in classical mechanics would be considered an isolated system in thermodynamics. Please don’t try to cherry pick the parts of science you mistakenly think give credence to your particular choice of invisible-sky-despot, whilst dismissing the rest with wilful ignorance. It just highlights your lack of knowledge in this particular field.

        • Matt

          I’ve tried to study this topic to the best of my understanding. I think I’m a fairly intelligent guy and I’ve tried to read much of what is written about thermodynamics that make it compatible with a “non-creator” universe. None of them have ever made any sense to me. You may be right that they’re over my head, or perhaps me leaving scratching my head means something. Either way, I luckily don’t have to depend on this alone to know that I have a Father in Heaven or that he is the intelligence behind creation.

          • Bad Girl Bex

            Just read what you wrote:

            “I’ve tried to read much of what is written about thermodynamics that make it compatible with a ‘non-creator’ universe. None of them have ever made any sense to me.”

            That’s because you’re trying to retrofit scientific discovery, to outmodish, outdated, inaccurate, convoluted archaic texts that have no real bearing on the reality we now understand today. The square peg of religion isn’t meant to fit into the round hole of science. Theists have been forced to try and reconcile the two over the past couple of decades, as further scientific discovery renders more and more biblical interpretation invalid.

            Whereas science has declared itself to only ever be the most currently held collection of data and understanding, observed, measured and recorded at any one time, religion started out as claiming itself to be absolute fact. The word of god. An unequivocal axiomatic truth. Yet, over time it has felt the need to move the goalposts, alter the parameters and capitulate to the rapidly acknowledged discoveries of science, in an attempt to hold onto whatever grains of credulity they believe they had.

            Relaunching the interpretation of the bible as some kind of Christianity 2.0 “Now with allowances made for the most ridiculous and despicable verses, on the ground of context!” doesn’t make the religion appear any more credible. Trying to sprinkle a dose of pseudo-science over an uncorroborated, collaborative, archaic collection of hearsay and conjecture (translated over and over again, through many languages over centuries, before then being edited by Roman and British heads of state, to make it easier to fob off on the general public) is nothing more than the desperate last ditch attempt of a fading mythology, with fewer and fewer places to insert ‘god’ into the reality of our daily lives.

            It’s really just quite sad and tragic to watch as people scramble to try and merge science with religion, wanting to convince themselves of it’s validity, more than anything else. It’s time to give it up guys. Just take it all for what it really is: a Bronze Age blood cult adopted as the nonsense de jour by Constantine in 312 AD. And the spread of the Roman Empire throughout Europe meant that instead of Persian Mithraism, the Egyptian Isis, Greek Neoplatonism or the cults of Bacchus or Magna Mater, the previously brutalised strange little belief system called Christianity, took hold and became so popular that we’re still hearing about it today.

            It wasn’t the first, nor the last of the funny little sects that emerged 2000 years ago or more. It just happened to be taken up by the right people, in the right position to make it popular, who saw it as a means to an end when controlling the great unwashed.

            And yet despite the ridiculous origins of this silly little belief system, today we have governments wanting to get it involved in education, politics and the moral governance of the people. Wars have been fought over this arbitrary little choice of ‘faith’ that Constantine decided would garner him the greatest rewards. And crazy people on the internet try to tell us that we’re all going to hell because we don’t follow this cult’s bizarre little handbook and talk to an invisible sky fairy, in order to be saved.

            Wanting something to be true, doesn’t make it so.

          • Wisenheimer

            A simple rule of thumb in physics is, if you cannot explain your words using math and your math using words, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

      • Wisenheimer

        The second law of thermodynamics states that the possible quantum states of the universe will increase over time, which it has.

        I’m not sure how the increasing number of possible quantum microstates in the universe proves the existence of god. Please enlighten us.

    • Wisenheimer

      Because entropy does not state “things naturally move to a state of disorder”.

      Entropy states that, in a closed system, S=kB ln Ω.

      I think you are actually thinking of the second law of thermodynamics, which states, for a closed system: dS= δQ/T.

      You’ll notice that there is a huge difference between actual physics and some random internet commenter who doesn’t understand physics trying to figure out thermodynamics based on a few conceptual sentences.

      What those equations are actually stating is that, for a CLOSED system, the number of possible microstates allowed by quantum mechanics must increase over time.

      You don’t seem to understand that when physicists are saying “disorder” or “entropy”, what they are referring to is not some word in the dictionary you learned in English class, but the very specific quantity S as defined above.

      So the question is, can you actually show that any closed system has decreasing entropy? Of course not. Earth, for instance, as a whole, has increasing entropy. You can prove this with simple calculus by calculating S for solar irradiance from the sun using Plank’s law and then Calculating S for the Earth’s irradiance. You’ll see that the Earth is in an equalibrium state where the irradiance is balanced, but due to the shift from visible to infrared photons, the number of microstates of energy leaving Earth is higher than the number of microstates of energy entering Earth, proving that entropy on Earth is increasing.

      Please, please take a thermodynamics class before you start spouting nonsense.

  2. GeorgiaMormon

    Great article Greg. Your letter is expanded on in the great movie “God’s Not Dead”. Everyone should see it. DVD available at Walmart, etc.

  3. Keeridan

    Hey Greg while things are definitely bleak in a lot of school Ive got a bit of hope to share with you. 1st the big bang doesnt actually contradict christian beliefs, in fact when it was first proposed many ‘educated’ ppl did not like it simply due to the fact that it did fit with religion. The theory prior to the big bang had no creation of the universe it just was. 2nd I met a large group of conservative christian ppl when i was at school. Many of them were science majors and they told me that most of their teachers did not believe the myth of evolution. (I actually got 4 As disproving darwinian evolution there, and no this was not a Christian college)

      • Wisenheimer

        The Big Bang Theory only describes how the observable universe was created. Cosmologists do not currently possess a testable hypothesis of what state of reality existed prior to the Big Bang.

        I realize that not everyone can get a degree in physics or astronomy, but at the very least you should actually consider buying some popular science books on cosmology.

    • SabanNation

      If you “disproved Darwinian evolution” then you need to publish, get it peered reviewed, and then collect your Nobel Peace Prize. Unless you’re lying, of course.

  4. Broken bose

    @Darren R Peterson. How have your atheists beliefs made you a good person? If you’re truly an atheist, then how does your belief about goodness amount to anything more than one man’s noisy opinion? You said we don’t see you crying about Christian professors ten years later, but you took the initiative to go to an LDS bloggers sight to complain about how others complain about their professors. Twice. Do you see a contradiction here, or as an atheist, is it just my bad opinion you’re reading?

    • Darren R. Peterson

      Funny, a friend sent me this article because we live in Utah and sometimes the commentary on different views is kind of comical, and my post was NOT a complaint but an opinion about a complaint. I was only on this sight ONCE, with two comments.

      I wanted to simply point out that when you sit in class every day at a university you are going to get many different opinions and many different views and different religious beliefs, higher learning is like that….unless you choose a religious universtity with one view. Just as I have been exposed to many professors using their religious lingo, whether it’s christian, muslim, jewish, buddhist or any other……Greg had ONE professor that gave him a different opinion and he happened to have no god, which sounds like it kind of freaked him out….ten years ago….and he’s STILL upset about it, enough to write a four page rant about it. Why? If the profesor was that inappropriate you should have filed a complaint. Most likely Greg was upset because he can’t understand how someone can be a good person without a higher power to drive them to be good people. My opinion is just like yours…..we are all humans on this planet….mine is no better than yours and yours is no better than mine, they are beliefs and opinions…..as for me I would like to think that when someone gets on their soap box with what they believe, I won’t hold a grudge for ten years.

      • Greg Trimble

        Darren –

        LOL. So anyway…I didn’t hold a grudge. I didn’t even dislike the professor. I got a good grade in the class and actually really enjoyed the debate.

        The purpose of my article was not because I was mad at the professor. It was because of all of the things that are happening in the schools right now K-12 and higher education.

        It wasn’t just one professor by the way. It was many. That example was just the most ironic because of the name of the class.



      • Broken bose

        Actually you’ve been to his blog site at least TWICE and posted THREE times now. But you’re still complaining and merely calling it commenting, and opting for different rules when you play the ball game yourself, and it’s typical of atheists to use one set of rules for themselves and a completely different set for others. But as you admit, since everyone is entitled to their own opinion, then I’ll just go ahead and call Trimble’s piece an op ed. That’s my opinion. So stop complaining about it–lest you be the contradiction of your own belief system.

        But you didn’t answer my question earlier. How does your adherence to atheism make you a good person? You said you and your friend pass articles and blogs between the two of you and think such opinions from religious persons like Greg are absurd. By what value judgement as an atheist is Greg’s opinion any less valid than your own? What makes your opinion good and his bad?

        (Oh, and please, oh please–don’t say you’re a good person for its own sake–that you don’t need someone else–like the flying spaghetti monster, or big papa in the sky, to tell you to be ‘good’. Goodness in this case is a contradiction, because by using the terms ‘good’ or ‘goodness’ you’re implying a value judgement on others that atheism doesn’t admit to, since everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what right or wrong, good or bad really is. Value judgements then are not possible for atheists who really understand their own positions. Atheists like Dawkins or Dennet or Hitchens when denigrating believers then are doing so against their own stated beliefs. By admonishing believers anyway then, they are only admitting that theirs is also a belief system of right or wrong in a system where right or wrong are not supposed to exist. That makes them hypocrites. Don’t be a hypocrite. That’s my opinion. )

  5. Virginia

    Dearest Greg,
    Please do NOT ever stop sharing your thoughts. It helps me in ways that are difficult to describe. I know haters will hate, but I believe that I cannot be the only one who benefits a LOT from your amazing posts.
    Much love 🙂

  6. Zoryb

    So I understand the main theme of this ‘letter’ is the Religion vs. Atheism stuff (and I am atheist if it matters), but, can I really be the only person who takes issue with this whole paragraph.

    “So here’s the deal. We live in a country that was founded by Christians.
    There is no way around that. You can try and downplay God’s role in the
    establishment of this nation all you want, but if you study hard
    enough…there is no way to remove the miraculous divine interventions
    that took place in the early days of her history. It’s woven into the
    laws, the architecture, and the hearts of the American people. No one,
    ever… can take that away from this great nation. Or can you?”

    The main reason I have an issue with it is that I simply hate such obvious misinformation, that can be shown to be incorrect by just a small amount of research, I’m not even American and I know that it is blatant lies and yet no one else seems to have pointed this out, and I simply can not understand why.

  7. Bobby

    Agreed that the earth is not a closed system. However, I think some Christians who argue using the 2nd law of thermodynamics are looking at the universe as a ‘closed’ system receiving its energy/creative motion from a higher being. Maybe looking at the bigger picture/scheme of things?

    • KarmaTheDog

      Well, I would say the problem with that is that there is no evidence that this energy came from a higher being. First I think you’d have to pin down what Christians believe- at what point do Christians cease believing scientific evidence? If they don’t know an answer or can’t understand an answer is that an automatic default to a higher intelligence? But to the question of the universe in a state of entropy- well, isn’t it? In four billion years or so our sun will die and Earth will be a lifeless rock (if it’s still there).

  8. Wisenheimer

    Actually, the Earth can be considered a closed system. We know the Earth is in equilibrium because the same amount of energy is absorbed by Earth as is released by it.

    During the process, the wavelength of the photons shifts from visible to infrared, which proves that the Entropy of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere is increasing.

    So yes, the Earth can be considered a closed system, a closed system with increasing entropy.

  9. NuclearShadow

    Greetings Greg Trimble I may not be your former college professor but I think I can do one heck of a job at responding to your letter to him. So if you don’t mind I’ll break it down and reply to each point you make. I do hope you will read this and respond. I’d be more than happy to continue beyond just this reply.

    ” One day when I was in your class, you started teaching about Darwinian evolution, the Big Bang, and the universe ”

    Which single college course would teach all of these vastly different subjects all at once and in a single day? I am already highly doubting the validity of your story.

    “as if you had witnessed all of these events with your own eyes. Your devotion to “your faith” could have put many religious people’s faith to shame. ”

    Isn’t it grand how theists like you will announce faith as if its a wonderful thing and then turn around and attack it whenever its on a subject you don’t agree with? Not that collective knowledge and the appliance of it is even faith. You see beliving in something because of evidence does not take faith nor does one have to see it with thier own eyes.

    Imagine yourself in a jury for a murder trial. The prosecution is presting evidence to you that is solid. DNA evidence, eye witness testimony, the murder weapon, even a signed confession that the killer now recants which word by word goes into the exact details of how the victims died and the eye witness testimony. With the right evidence you can paint a pretty clear picture of what happened without being there personally. At that point faith has nothing to do with it.

    ” The name of your class was called “Life in the Cosmos”. Go figure!”

    So why wasn’t Abiogenesis mentioned? It seems rather foolish to go all the way into the big bang a cosmology subject but forget about Abiogenesis given that the main topic. Clearly this class never existed.

    “It seems like you and so many of your colleagues don’t like God and don’t like America”

    Right because lacking a belief in something is the equivalent of not liking something and somehow that makes this fictional professor hate America too.

    ” I don’t know if it’s just because you’re trying to be a rebel or if you’ve just studied so much that you can’t stand the fact that there might be an intelligent being out there that knows more than you. ”

    I’ve never met a professor in my life that has ever claimed to be the authority figure above all others on any subject. In-fact the only one who even remotely makes this claim is worshipers attributing this to their fictional deities.

    ” So here’s the deal. We live in a country that was founded by Christians. ”

    Amusing as Christianity was perhaps the worst weapon of all against the Native Americans and was always used to justify their genocide. Also a few and basically the most known founding fathers of course weren’t Christian heck even Washington in his later years of his life lost his faith and even stopped attending church not even bothering to hide it.

    “There is no way around that. You can try and downplay God’s role in the establishment of this nation all you want, but if you study hard enough…there is no way to remove the miraculous divine interventions that took place in the early days of her history. ”

    So, this makes me wonder what about the Islamic nations? Would this Christian respect the deep history of Islam and the Islamic nations and not attempt to bring change to them at all? Would you accept a Muslims claim that this was Allah influencing history? My guess is no and that you are special pleading.

    ” It’s woven into the laws, the architecture, and the hearts of the American people. No one, ever… can take that away from this great nation. Or can you?”

    Name one law that co-exists with the bible that doesn’t pre-date the bible within other civilizations. It’s not like murder was socially acceptable in every civilization until the 10 commandments were supposedly written. Also why are there no blasphemy laws in America if this was the case? Freedom of religion itself is a form of blasphemy if you really think about it.

    ” It’s funny, ironic…no…it’s sad, horribly sad that you are living so well…and so free on the backs of those patriots that gave their lives in the name of God and country.”

    Throwing the honored dead to protect your god belief from criticism is the ultimate cowardice Furthermore people of just about every faith or lack of have fought for this nation. But no just pretend everyone who has served and ever will is Christian. That thought is as realistic as your deity.

    “Now…all you do is sit in your class and fight against the very things that enabled you to be who you are today.”

    Education existed before America. Furthermore if we were to credit America to Christianity and god than wouldn’t a non-god driven nation be the type that enables speech against god? You know like the nation we live in.

    ” You’re devoting your life to molding and shaping the minds of the rising generation and simultaneously attempting to suppress and extinguish the only thing that is keeping this nation together.”

    Right because we all know this is some evil conspiracy from the professor and those young men and women were all forced to attend tot his class and tied to their chairs.

    ” If you don’t want to believe in God…that’s fine.”

    Beliefs are not a choice, no one can choose to believe in something. I can’t suddenly believe in Guanyin the Chinese goddess of mercy by choice. I would need to be convinced first. People can be persuaded to belief by evidence (even falsified evidence may work) or through a persuasive pitch (which also may be invalid but can still trick).

    ” That same God gave you your agency to not worship Him. ”

    I could say the same thing about Guanyin to you. This statement is absolutely worthless without evidence. It’s a baseless claim that you just want me to take as fact because you feel it is so.

    ” If fact…that’s what He’s all about. Not forcing anyone to do anything that they don’t want to do.”

    I beg to differ. If you were to actually read your bible you would see your deity is very demanding of human beings throughout the entire book. Many rules and regulations are within it and if you refuse to obey he threatens to torture you for eternity. That’s hardly a choice. That’s like a mugger saying “your money or your life”.

    ” But now look at what we have. A bunch of loud “educated” influential voices like yourself trying to turn a God-fearing nation into a God-less nation.”

    Let me ask you this. If your god is real and so powerful what effects could this professor actually could have had? Lets say Jane is his student and your god wanted to make Jane a Christian. Are you really implying that the professor could beat your god and your god’s will won’t be done? If that really is the case than that sounds like a pathetic deity to me.

    ” You’re not trying to get rid of religion. You’re trying to make atheism the state religion.”

    That is not possible. While there are atheistic religions like certain sects of Buddhism atheism alone cannot be a religion. Inanimate objects for example have no mind and therefor could never believe in a deity so would you say that your coffee mug has a religion? See how silly that is.

    ” You say that religion is nothing more than brainwashing…but I say it’s you that is doing the brainwashing.”

    This is no different than a playground argument where one child says the other stinks and the reply is “no, you do”. I don’t understand how you thought it was a good idea to type this.

    ” The worst part of it all is that you have a captive audience because we’ve got to pass your class in order to graduate college.”

    And what degree are you exactly claiming to have been going for? I can’t think of anything that would be mandatory to have such a class going into such subjects. Even if we were to take something like biology the cosmology aspects would never be required for biology related degrees and vice versa. The class seems to have nothing to do with philosophy either as it appears to dive into scientific knowledge and facts rather than philosophy. This entire thing is a obvious lie.

    ” It’s sad that so many of these kids around me see the PhD behind your name and think you know what you’re “all-knowing”…even god-like. You evangelize “your beliefs” to curious, ignorant, and unsuspecting students each and every quarter and then they grow up to be just like you until we have a nation of natural selecting animals.”

    This would be the complete fault of the students if they are so naive that they believe a single professor is infallible. I don’t think anyone so foolish would even make it to college. Clearly you are greatly downplaying the intellect of your former classmates which is just shameful on your part. Assuming they ever even existed because this class sure didn’t.

    ” Do you remember the stuff you taught about the Big Bang that “every scientist believes” . Well… just today, we found out that physicists are backing away from the “biggest discovery of the century” regarding the big bang. Back in March, a group of physicists announced the first direct evidence of the Big Bang in a splashy press conference followed by Nobel prize forecasts and champagne. But scientists have since questioned the discovery, and a new paper suggests the signal detected was not evidence of the Big Bang but instead largely, if not entirely, from interstellar dust. Oops. It’s kind of like that with everything you teach isn’t it? You teach something as if there is no doubt that it happened and then make fun of anyone that doesn’t believe it. Then in a couple years you quietly back away from the theory and move on to the newest scientific trend.”

    What do I address first your dishonesty or the subject at hand? I guess I’ll go with the subject first. Yes that was a error and that’s the beautiful thing about science when anything is proclaimed as a possibility it is studied by scientists in that field instead of simply being believed like what you ask of us with Christianity, science instead tries to get the facts correctly and will weed out errors like the one you mentioned. If anything you’ve only justified the use of the science.

    Now for your dishonesty, there is plenty of evidence for the big bang. Microwave background, mixture of elements are just two examples what what we would expect to see if the big bang happened and that’s exactly what we see. Furthermore given your picture I would say you are no longer a very young man. What you mentioned was something brought up in the spring of 2014 there was no way your professor all those years ago talked about this before the discovery of those dusts. You just pile lie upon lie to the point its obvious to see.

    “Right now as we speak…there are thousands of university professors pushing their religion on the up and coming generation but any talk of creationism or intelligent design was laughable…right? Almost any time someone would raise their hand to question any of you or your colleagues “scientific conclusions”, you’d fly into a sarcastic rant. Why is it that you can have your “religion” and talk about it openly but I can’t consider the possibility of an intelligent designer?”

    If you want to be taken seriously on the subject just provide even a ounce of what could be suggested as evidence. Even if you’re incorrect if you could at-least give something that cannot currently be refuted that you could show us you would have a real discussion on your hands. But instead creationism wants to be seen as a science yet if we were to accept it as such it would be the only field to never make a discovery ever and its not like its anything new. Make a discovery and then we can open this to discussion.

    “That was ten years ago. I can’t imagine what it’s like today.”

    So your professor had knowledge of a 2014 finding in 2004. If you actually respond to this I just imagine that your response to this will be that hes in league with the devil and given information ahead of time or something crazy like that. But please prove me wrong.

    ” I honestly wonder if you and your fellow institutional leaders even consider the origin of your university. Every university…including yours, had its rise from within the walls of a religious institution.”

    This is relevant how? I mean medical doctors as we know was a concept born through the Islamic world and Islamic schools. Would you say that all doctors should respect that and become Muslims? See how absurd your arguments are?

    “Ancient temples were built as a place of highertemple learning…and the modern university is the result.”

    So your crediting pagan temples for education and that’s your reason for why we should be religious? But not even pagan but Christian for some reason.

    ” Why do you think you wear those funny looking robes during commencement and graduation? ”

    Robed outfits during ceremonies once again pre-exists your faith if this is a argument for faith it certainly isn’t yours.

    ” The temple was anciently known as a place where one went to gain greater insight into the various branches of science and education”

    Actually for most of history religious institutions would take young men (or girls too mattering on the faith) out of the general public and teach them very basic things we hold today but were rare in ancient times such as reading and writing which most of the world’s general population could not due aside from nobility, tax collectors, successful merchants, and so on. I suppose the most advanced science back then was engineering but this was more often done by those who learned from the nobility classes.

    “but the trunk of that tree was always theology. Not biology…but theology.”

    You do realize biology would still be the base of all of it as we are biological beings right? Without that trait we don’t even exist. Biology regardless of whether we study it or not is still very much a thing and theology could have never existed without biological beings to create the religions practiced.

    ” The branches of scientific study grew out of a desire of humans to better understand our Creator.”

    Also research into any subject is due to curiosity it has nothing to do with faith. When you hear a loud noise outside and go investigate the cause that is the same exact trigger that causes people to investigate other subjects. No deity needed.

    ” But now we have universities with lots of branches and no trunk. You have made yourselves into gods! Gods of academia and of science, making up the curriculum as you go.”

    So you jump into conspiracy theory waters here. You do realize you disproved your own point earlier by showing that scientists disproved a previous thought of other scientists right? You’ve disproved your own conspiracy theory earlier and yet you say it anyways….

    ” If you want to teach the youth of our nation about science, then you need to teach them about God first.”

    No thanks, I’d rather not lie to our youth.

    “If you want to teach the youth of our nation about science, then you need to teach them about God first. True science is the order that God implemented out of chaos. The natural state of matter is chaos. Whether it’s on the streets of New York or in the furthest corner of the universe. Without God…there will be eventual chaos. Without laws and accountability, all matter…including us, will fall into a degenerative state.”

    If you actually believe this claim than you are placing chaos as the natural state even if god does not exist. Which would have to make chaos exist before your god that later comes in and intervenes. So you don’t believe your god existed before the universe?

    “The universe did not organize itself now did it.”

    Actually yes it did. You see from the start of the universe the laws of physics still apply. Just as if there were other universes they too would have the same or their own laws which enable the stability of existence itself. Within these realms of possibility is the stability itself as it dictates what can and cannot be possible within the universe.

    “I know you don’t believe in the devil, but if there was a devil…I can’t think of a more important place for him to destroy other than the home. ”

    And what would a powerful being that doesn’t require any of the resources we have gain from such a action? If a being like the devil did exist and was the ultimate rebel it would do its own thing and certainly not fit itself into the evil stereotype the god would want to fit it into. The idea that such a advanced creature would be so one dimensional is absurd.

    ” But maybe this is where he starts. Right here in college before you have a home to infiltrate.”

    Now we’ve reached the point of supernatural conspiracy theories.

    “The devil you don’t believe in has taken the temple out of the university. He has taken God out of the university and placed you at the helm with the commission to destroy even the faintest concept or idea of an intelligent and loving creator.”

    So you are claiming that the devil defeated your god at-least on this topic? I’m so baffled on why you would hold your deity in such low regard as incapable of success.

    ” know you think you’re just teaching people how to think more. How to be realistic. But you’re teaching us to think less and accept theories that you know full well will change within the next two years anyway. You’re teaching us to go against all of the inherent built-in logic that tells us that the Swiss watch we found on the beach did not assemble itself, and then wind itself up. You’re not teaching us to keep an open mind but to be closed to anything that falls outside of the accepted academia of the day.”

    So this is your poor attempt to try to refute evolution basically. You do realize when you are going by the evolutionary standard you’re not starting the life-form at a advanced level right? A watch is a completed mechanical device and evolution isn’t claiming the equivalent in lifeforms suddenly popped up. Oddly enough you’re the one suggesting such with creationism with your god basically popping advanced creatures into existence. The very idea you mislabel evolution as and protest against it.

    Evolution is a slow and gradual process slowly changing even the single cell life forms potentially to much more advanced types over extreme periods of time. Evolution is the patient explanation not to mention also evidence backed. But it’s funny really you place incorrect claims on something to refute it yet believe in a system that carries those same claims. I guess subconsciously you’re really just attacking your own faith.

    ” The last thing I want to ask you is this: Why do you even care if I believe in God? Does it hurt you? Does it hurt society”

    Given that you expressed how you would like your specific brand of theism to be ingrained in our youth’s education and put before real sciences I would say yes. If you had your way it would be a real danger to our society. Just imagine if virologists stopped actually studying viruses and their evolution and instead simply prayed that viruses would go away. Not exactly the world I want to live in for sure.

    ” Is it bad to “keep the commandments” and “treat others good” as are the basic tenets of almost every religion in the world? ”

    Laws existed before the 10 commandments furthermore 1,2,3,4, and 10 are in no way moral commands. And what do you propose when someone breaks 5 or 7? Kill them like your bible orders? For kids talking back to their parents or someone having a affair? You can’t say old testament rules don’t apply as the 10 commandments you advocate is old testament.

    “But seriously. Does religion even hurt science?”

    Well, yes absolutely it has. Galileo and his works being the most popular and known example of this. What religious authorities at the time did to him and banned his works because they were not in line with Christian teachings. More modern examples would be stem cell research is pretty much only opposed by the religious because of their ignorance on the subject. We’ve certainly been delayed in that field because of religious beliefs and misinformation spread by the religious.

    “Is it so far fetched to believe that an intelligent designer might be a scientist Himself and that you might have more in common with Him than you think?”

    If this claim were correct than the designer wouldn’t be a all knowing being. Science is a pursuit of knowledge and a all knowing and all powerful being would have nothing to learn. I find it amusing that this very question would have gotten you killed by your fellow Christians just a few hundred years ago for heresy as you are placing your god as lesser than perfect.

    “Now that I’ve gotten that off my mind…I hope we can be friends! I really did enjoy some of the experiments we did as a class! They pointed my mind to God”

    I once had a Christian tell me she saw a butterfly and that was reinsurance that god was going to heal her of her cancer. She died and your comment here reminds me so much of her. I guess when you are truly desperate anything can seem to point to what you desire.

  10. Prototype Atheist

    Atheism is merely a conclusion which is best reached after attempting to reconcile the claims of religions with the scientific and historical evidence. Science isn’t “atheistic” just because it refutes your religion.

  11. Joe Bigliogo

    There is something defective about virtually every sentence in this blog. This can’t be serious… or can it? There’s got to be some context I’m missing, some inside knowledge revealing it as satire, but what? Somehow I don’t believe any of this is serious including the existence of said atheist professor. I think it’s all made up… but why? unless it’s just to provoke response.

    “You can try and downplay God’s role in the establishment of this nation all you want, but if you study hard enough…there is no way to remove the miraculous divine interventions that took place in the early days of her history. It’s woven into the laws, the architecture, and the hearts of the American people.” – Greg Trimble

    “God selects countries; that’s why they always say God bless America
    because the world’s billions of years old and America’s 250 years old…
    and thats when God decided to choose a team!” – Jim Jeffries

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