Jesus Isn’t Going To Save A Nation Of Pseudo Christians

There was really only one thing that Jesus truly hated and that was hypocrisy. But not just any kind of hypocrisy. Jesus couldn’t stand religious hypocrisy. Empty acts of piety that were calculated to further one’s own political and monetary goals. “Ye hypocrites…” Jesus says to the “religious” politicians, “draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.” He goes on to define exactly what the perpetual prototypical hypocrite would do in order to further their causes. “In vain they will worship me, but will teach for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matt 15:8) Meaning…they’ll call themselves “Christians” without giving two cents about what Jesus actually taught.

Too many “Christians” think they can live their lives however they want without any kind of consequence because they’ve “already been saved.” These same people think they can go to church once or twice a year and make their oblations on Christmas and Easter. They set a Bible on their night stand to make them feel good, and then tell their kids and friends that they read it all the time. They pick their political leaders without any concern or worry about the character of the person they’re electing. They choose their pastors based on the size of the congregation, the skill of the band, and the leniency of the liturgy. The apathy of the parents will be the demise of the children. Millennials who were raised “Christian” are flocking to atheism and agnosticism as they’ve watched the hypocrisy and lack of conviction from their Christian parents.

jesus saves

Being a Christian means so much more than just showing up at a stadium on a Saturday night and “being saved.”  You can’t say you’re a Christian…when you have no intention of living a Christlike life, and you can’t be “saved” without a lifelong commitment to actually upholding and defending those Christian principles. People casually cite the two great commandments as the end all be all of their Christian belief system and mode of worship. At a town hall style meeting in Knoxville Iowa, Hillary Clinton recently said after declaring her dedication to Christianity that, “My study of the Bible, my many conversations with people of faith, has led me to believe the most important commandment is to love the Lord with all your might and to love your neighbor as yourself, and that is what I think we are commanded by Christ to do…”

This epitomizes the classic modern day limited understanding of the Bible. It’s a pseudo simplistic way of saying that all I need to do to be a Christian is to love God and to love my neighbor. But how do you go about showing God that you love Him? You do it by loving your neighbor! How do you go about showing your neighbors that you love them? By keeping all of the other commandments found within the Bible! You don’t lie and cheat and steal and bear false witness against your neighbor just to get ahead!

People love to leave out the one verse that follows the two great commandments! “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” This means that you can’t keep the first two great commandments without the application of God’s laws and the teachings of His prophets. But those are just a few ancillary details right? Life’s much easier without those pesky details…isn’t it?

Do the rest of Jesus’s teachings even matter? Or is it cool to just go around quoting John 3:16 and reciting the first and great commandment? (Matt 22:37-39) It’s interesting that one of the first principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ is repentance and yet the next possible leader of the free world (aside from the aforementioned Hillary Clinton) and a confessed Christian doesn’t see the need to repent. I don’t need to say much about Donald Trump. All you’ve got to do is listen to his own words and admitted actions to determine that this is not someone that would be considered a disciple of Jesus Christ. Give the guy a break people say! He’s just a man! Sure whatever. There’s no humility. No sorrow for past immaturities. No desire to change and be better. But God wants us to repent. He wants this whole nation to repent. He wants Christian’s to repent, and return to their churches and to their scriptures and to their prayers. He wants them to turn off the reality shows and not be so manipulated by charisma, power, and position. God doesn’t care about that stuff. He doesn’t care about towers and money and fame and jets or $12,000 dollar Armani jackets out of a $200,000 dollar wardrobes. (Can you imagine giving a speech about inequality while wearing a jacket that costs more than most people’s cars?) Can there be greater hypocrisy on this earth?

What does it even mean to be a Christian in this country anymore? Because it seems as if there’s a whole lot of this mentality: “Eat, drink, and be merry; nevertheless, fear God—he will justify in committing a little sin; yea, lie a little, take the advantage of one because of his words, dig a pit for thy neighbor; there is no harm in this; and do all these things, for tomorrow we die; and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of God.”

An evangelical pastor friend of mine out of Pennsylvania wrote me an email not too long ago. I think he sums things up pretty good here. He said that at a conference he spoke at, he and many of his associates shared their “grief at the state of our nation.” He continued by sharing that “people keep talking about the tipping point and I feel like perhaps we have passed it. I do not know your political convictions but I am angry at those evangelicals who would not vote for Mitt Romney because he was Mormon. We could have had an honorable man in the White House.”

Sadly…my pastor friend is right, regardless of your political persuasions. Christians who would never vote for Mitt Romney just for being a Mormon are championing people like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the ugliest of circumstances. Christians around the country are rallying behind two of the most morally bankrupt people the U.S. has to offer. “Ye blind guides” says Christ… “which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel…hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” (Matt 23)

People forget the imagery of the parable of the ten virgins. He left five of them standing at the door…

People forget that part during the sermon on the mount when Jesus says, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”

I don’t have any other solutions for the mess we’re in as a nation other than the obvious one staring us right in the face. Return to Christ. Return to church. Stop being mesmerized by the media and it’s figures. Make a stand with goodness, values and morality. Become shining lights in the ever growing darkness. Not Christian contributors to the widespread hypocrisy.

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12 thoughts on “Jesus Isn’t Going To Save A Nation Of Pseudo Christians

  1. Todd Tritsch

    Helaman 7: 4-5

    4 And seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness, and those Gadianton robbers filling the judgment-seats—having usurped
    the power and authority of the land; laying aside the commandments of
    God, and not in the least aright before him; doing no justice unto the
    children of men;

    5 Condemning the righteous because of their righteousness; letting the guilty and the wicked go unpunished because of their money;
    and moreover to be held in office at the head of government, to rule
    and do according to their wills, that they might get gain and glory of
    the world, and, moreover, that they might the more easily commit adultery, and steal, and kill, and do according to their own wills—

  2. Crew Sayder

    Recently I went to a multi-faith meeting held on a Sunday afternoon at a Catholic church. The groundskeeper was cutting the grass when I arrived. The program for the meeting gave a brief summary of each faith’s beliefs and if you read it it would be pretty clear that Christians in general are pseudo Christians largely because their churches are pseudo Christian. There are Christian bookstores that do business on Sunday.

    They are uncomfortable with somebody like Mitt Romney or Ted Cruz because they are not even trying to live up to the standards they uphold, they are fine with Trump or Hillary because they will let them continue to feel comfortable as they are.

    I think we are past the point where there is a peaceful, clean way back to sanity. It is going to take extreme hardship, war on American soil, famine, disease, financial collapse, natural disasters or things of that nature eliminate the evil among us and humble the rest.

    • Jacob Shimron

      I also believe what you say Crew, in fact all one need do is read from the Book of Mormon, the book of Ether, chapter 2, verses 8-12, to learn what will befall America if the people on the face of the land do not repent and return to correct principles of righteousness.

  3. Lillith70

    Both candidates are flawed but one will appoint the next members of the Supreme Court so a vote for a third party or not voting would be counterproductive.

    God uses evil people as well as good in his plan. Hitler’s abuses led the Jews back to their homeland for example and wars and famines and weather and need and greed for land drove our ancestors , who sought and brought freedom to the world, to America.

    Please consider that if Mitt Romney had been elected, he would never have pushed the church onto the American people as some old religious rivals feared, but people are still talking and were charmed at the LDS humble prayer at the opening of the GOP convention.

    And the scales are being washed from the eyes of those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear” in that dialogue is happening between people of good will as the Shepherd calls his sheep? Something has to happen in order for true believers, the just, of all sects of Christianity enter the Millenium together, cooperating but still keeping own dogma/tenants?

  4. Rozy

    May I add my amen to you, Greg, and to Crew and Todd. I believe we are past the point of no return. We are ripe in iniquity and ready for a chastening, the likes of which will surprise many in this unrighteous nation. I will not vote for either of the two wicked candidates; I want to be on record for having voted for a righteous, honorable man or woman. I don’t think it will matter who we vote for, Clinton will follow Obama’s example of cheating to get into office, and we are doomed to experience all that has been prophesied.

  5. Jacob Shimron

    I totally agree with you Greg. Boy have people been mislead by teachers who tickle the ear instead of teachers who teach the facts about what is required to be Saved. This “Once Saved, Always Saved” doctrine is a deadly false doctrine, and if someone’s church is teaching this philosophy, they are teaching ‘damnable heresies” – 2 Peter 2:1 – “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” or from 2 Timothy 4:3, 4 – “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4, And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

    Here is the true way to Worship the Lord, and this is a good outline for how to truly be called a Christian:

    What does it mean to be a Christian?

    . A Christian has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    . A Christian believes that through the grace of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, we can repent.
    . The word Christian means taking upon us the name of Christ. We do this by being baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost by one having Priesthood Authority.
    . When we follow Jesus Christ, we become who Heavenly Father wants us to be.
    —Elder Robert D. Hales
    I would lastly like to emphasize that those who take His Name and follow His Example the best they can, through repentance, Baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost and living a life of purity, undefiled by the world, and enduring to the end. These alone will be Saved in the Celestial Kingdom of our Father. There are other things too, that all mankind must do, but suffice the above for the time being. But being a Christian is a Learning Process that might even extend beyond this life.

  6. roadtripper87

    Greg, your point is excellent. This has been on my mind a lot recently. We all need to turn to Christ! Unfortunately, in this article you illustrate something that has been bothering me a lot. Some of Jesus’s strongest admonitions were against those who would not forgive (Matt. 18:34-35 for instance). Can you not feel a twinge to your conscience when you describe Donald Trump as one “of the most morally bankrupt people the U.S. has to offer”? I know what you are thinking: Mr. Trump is running for President and deserves extra scrutiny. Yes, that is true. But does he deserve all the unfair Memes, exaggerated criticisms, and hateful labels? That description is probably fitting for Hillary Clinton, who many believe to be a modern day Gadianton robber because of her seemingly unlimited power and money, alleged crimes, continuous denials, shallow scrutiny from the media, and her apparent immunity to the law. She likely has gained that position because of secret oaths and secret deals (Clinton and Lynch’s secret meeting in Phoenix as a possible example). But what justifies the same label of Mr. Trump? Is meanness that much easier than kindness? Is tearing someone down that much more enjoyable than building someone up. Is our pride keeping us from seeing the solution to our problems? What if Mr. Trump is actually patriotic? What if despite his flaws, he is actually uniquely qualified and experienced to deal with the secret combinations that threaten to take over our nation? Can we not at least acknowledge a man who is now married and faithful to one woman? Can we not acknowledge that he has raised children that he has taught to work hard and to be contributors to society? Can we not praise him for a lifetime of abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, drugs and publicly pledging to shun pornography? Yes, our country is near a tipping point. Half of our country believes it’s OK to murder unborn babies simply because it will inconvenience the mother when born. Half of the country wants to smoke marijuana legally just for recreation. Half of the country wants the federal government to have the power to make the moral decisions for our families instead of leaving that up to parents. Half of the country wants to take away our right to defend our families by banning firearms. Many are willing to give up freedoms in exchange for a government that will “take care” of them with hand outs and free stuff. Mr. Trump is fighting a battle against every one of these philosophies while facing stiff headwinds of opposition from places he shouldn’t… like the unfair label he received as “one the most morally bankrupt people the U.S. has to offer”. And actually that’s probably one of the nicer things being said about him. The devil must be laughing as he sees the division and contention, even among Christians. One of Mr. Trump’s biggest sins is that he doesn’t filter what he is thinking. Are we so perfect and wonderful that we never have had anything but uplifting thoughts? If a camera followed us around 24/7, would we be proud of everything we said and did? Have we ever paid money to take our spouse and children to go see a PG-13 movie, enjoyed it, then walked out and criticized someone for their crass PG-13 insult and/or immaturity? Is it possible that our pride has lifted us up so high, we are blind to the envyings, malice and persecutions that we ourselves are guilty of? (Moroni 8:35-36). Greg, you are 100% right that we ALL need to turn to Christ and be like him. We are all Pseudo Christians trying to be real Christians. Let’s help each other along as much as we can.

  7. Gina

    Well said. Spot on. You’ve hit the nail on the head with the whole post. Regarding the election, I too have been annoyed that Evangelicals would support Trump but not Romney.

  8. Luman Walters

    Evangelicals will vote for Trump but not Romney. A racist, sexist, rude guy who can’t string a sentence together over a very capable and genuine guy(this is coming from a liberal). So my question is…..why do mormons want to be considered Christians again?

  9. Gary

    A very interesting article. However your dislike for Hillary Clinton with comparison is unappreciated and political and prejudiced. If you really knew her better, you would have greater respect for her as a human being that is trying her best for the people in our country against the great odds because she’s a woman and because false lies have stuck since then in the 90’s with the media not willing to apologize and make amends. Study more of her on the real facts and you would find overall that she is an honorable woman as much as many of us Mormons are, in doing her best with what she understands. And has far more experience in government than any presidential candidate ever in history and she’s a woman. That is something this country ought to be appreciative of.

  10. Gary

    This post is very good. I liked the various points made and it’s well explained. I do have something I wanted to say because a name was included in there as a negative and I want to point out something to why it shouldn’t be a negative. Read on…and see the link below to really understand where the negatives all started. Mainly because she’s a woman and very smart. Has an IQ of I think 135. She’s worked hard and has earned it. She donates a lot of her money to charity like around 90% from her Foundation. That’s a character of hers. If she was evil like some want to think. her foundation wouldn’t be donating that high of a percentage as shown.

    The things people say about Hillary are mostly false. If one researches completely, they will find that 99% of the accusations negatively towards her are false. She’s an incredible woman who has worked hard for the benefit of this country for the past 35 years, especially for women and has the most qualifications EVER in history as a presidential candidate. I used to believe she was not to be trusted. But I realized years later that if these things were true, she wouldn’t be where she is now. Such posts against Hillary is a show of belief on other people against her without knowing the real facts. She is NOT a Gadianton robber type of person. She’s working hard FOR us, we the people, for their success to be Americans that are able to work and live, which is something the Republicans are going against. Their principles have changed and the Democratic principles today line up much more along with the scriptures of serving and helping and loving one another. Government brings balance. That’s its purpose. And with good balance requires good honest leaders. Hillary isn’t perfect. Who is? There are many leaders who are terrible and have hurt the country and their state. Hillary has done the opposite and had the goal to build for the states and country, power to the people with a balance of what’s right. It’s time to stop pointing fingers negatively at Hillary. Point them at others who have done negative things for the state such as Orrin Hatch, Governor Herbert. The things they believe in don’t even coincide with the scriptures and they pretend they do. Geez! I hope this gets some to pause and think a bit if being negative about Hillary is a mistake? Do the research on reputable sites. Not biased sites.

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