Category Archives: Family

How To Know If You’re Breaking The Sabbath

Have you ever looked forward to a general conference because you were certain in your mind that the apostles were going to address some of the crazy issues that are taking place in the world? “There’s got to be some big announcement this time” we might say. “Maybe this is the year we’ll be asked to…

Failing The World’s Compatibility Test

If there’s one test you should fail in life…it’s the world’s compatibility test. My wife and I don’t watch many TV shows, but recently we downloaded the most recent season of “Downton Abbey” on Apple TV. My wife’s a sucker for English shows and I’ve been curious to know what was going to happen to poor…

The Secret To A Happy Wife

I want to have a happy wife. I can’t believe it took me ten years to learn how to make my wife happy. That’s like…longer than it takes to become a doctor. I know…I’m pathetic. I’m probably exaggerating. I know I’ve made her happy over the years…but over time…I’ve noticed that our marriage doesn’t look anything…

How To Show Your Kids You Really Love Them

Hey! Do any of you remember stressing to spend enough money on the perfect gifts for your kids at Christmas only to have them open all of the presents and fall in love with the little toy you got at the dollar store? You probably thought to yourself…”I could have saved 500 bucks and only spent…

Quit Being Such A Bad Example For Our Kids

Have you ever sat down to watch a movie and then had the itch to turn it off just for what it stood for…but then you’re like “Dang…I just spent money renting this, I’ve got to watch the whole thing and see what happens”. Then you get to the end and you still kick yourself…